Saturday, January 4, 2020

Desensitization From Lack Of Discretion - 1614 Words

Eric J. Chiaramonte Professor Syrena Lore ENG 122 27 November 2014 Desensitization from Lack of Discretion Leads to Corruption While censorship is a topic of hot debate what’s important to remember is it shouldn’t be fueled by opinion. The risks of not paying this debate appropriate attention could be the rise of a tyrannical government, loss of freedoms such as our freedom of speech and our freedom of press, and a stronger presence of authority in our lives on the one side. On the other side our country’s moral fabric could come apart, there could be a rise in violence, and the innocence of our children is at risk. It is the innocence of our children that we are going to take a closer look at. What part does uncensored media play in the desensitization of our youth? Why should we be concerned about this issue? What are the immediate implications of immoral media in our children’s lives? How does it affect our adolescence? Does all this play a part in how we prosper as adults? The media left uncensored has lasting negative psychological effects on our children which in turn lends to poor decision making, violence and other immoral choices which in turn degrades our individual lives as we get older and society as a whole. How does psychology play a role in media censorship? Psychologists have been studying the effects of television on our children since as early as the 1950’s. â€Å"As a result of 15 years of â€Å"consistently disturbing† findings about the violent content ofShow MoreRelatedUtilizing Video Games to Achieve Open and Honest Communication between Parent and Child1015 Words   |  4 Pagesmurder, torture, grand theft auto, and the solicitation of prostitutes. Although this is an extreme example of a violent video game, it serves as a good base of understanding as far as what is available to the public. The current question that has risen from this game is, do violent video games evoke violent tendencies in kids? 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